
Showing posts from October, 2019


Hi Group,    Last weeks meal was so tasty we decided we would do it again. Casserole/ comfort food night at the Jones house on repeat for this Wednesday. If you missed last week and would still like to make a “double batch” as a freezer meal for the Lamon’s and/ or Botsfords please do and we will make sure to get them delivered. We love seeing this group take care of one another so well. ❤️ Please post if you are able to make it and what you would like to bring. We look forward to seeing everyone! 


Hi Group,    This week we will be meeting at the Jones home for casserole/ hot dish/ comfort food night. An idea we brainstormed a while back was that this could be a great night to double whatever you plan on bringing as a freezer meal for our expecting families. Thank you if are willing and able to do this. Please post if you are able to make it and what you plan on bringing. Can’t wait to see you all! 


Hi Group,     This week we will be meeting at the Botsfords home for soup and salad night. If we could have a few people sign up to bring soup and a few for salad and bread we should be covered. Drinks and dessert are always helpful too. 😉 Please let us know if you can make it and what you plan on bringing. We look forward to seeing everyone!